Wednesday, February 27, 2008

13 Weeks and filling out!

13 Weeks and filling out!, originally uploaded by casa azul.

Where: Baby's Room
Weight: 152lbs. (gained a pound this week)
Status: A-Okay! But no walking, Dr's orders
Mood: Worried Momma

It's the weirdest feeling in the world to know that there is something living and growing inside of you. Early on in the pregnancy I had a dream and I remember it so vividly.

*DREAM* Week 6 of Pregnancy

The autumn leaves were falling. My daughter was wearing a red pea coat with blue jeans. She had pigtails tied with little yellow flowers. Her hair was a auburn brown and her skin was light golden brown. She saw a dog and said, "Doggie goes - 'Arf, Arf." I laughed as I held her hand. The dream ended.

I immediately shot up out of bed and told my husband that we are having a girl. He laughed at me. But I know deep down inside that I am having a little girl.

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